It is essential for us to take care of eyes in order to keep them healthy and working. One should avoid hazards and careless acts which can damage you eyes.
Following are some of the best nutrition which you should include in your diet in order to keep your eyes healthy.
Vitamin A -
Every mother force their child to have carrots the only reason is carrots is beneficial for health especially form eye health. Carrot contains vitamin A which is essential for maintain eye health. Beside this one of the early symptoms of night blindness is nutrient deficiency. Thus carrot is an excellent source to avoid this problem. Thus carrot helps to make your eye sight normal and even better.
Antioxidants are essential for health as it not only helps to avoid age related skin problems but also helps to avoid eye problems. It is also beneficial in preventing cell damage which is caused by oxidation. Beside this it also beneficial in reducing cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and macular degeneration which is a serious eye disorder.
Minerals are also essential for eye health. Zinc helps in reducing the risk of age-related macular degeneration and AMD about 25%.

Safety glasses
Always safety glasses as they are very much essential for eye health. If you are going to buy sunglasses then prefer to brand one. Always check that your glasses have side shields which help to avoid objects which come from the sides of your wall.
Safety goggles
A goggle helps your eyes from outside materials, UV rays and many more things for all direction.
Full-face shields
These are a wise decision when you're using a lathe or wireless router, for example. If you're welding, be sure the secure has special covering to protect your eye sight from the bright light because a secure doesn't prevent large effect or from things that might fly up or around the secure, you should always use safety glasses or goggles under the secure.