Don’t wait to lose weight
Always follow the right ways and tips to reduce the weight like: Dietary control, Regular Exercise, Have raw food , Never skip breakfast, Say no to late night snacking, Have a proper sleep, Set Goals.
Drink Water Essential For Health
Water is very much beneficial for health. We can imagine that just by drinking a healthy amount of water we can gain large amount of health benefit. .
Want to feel better? Do Exercise Regularly
Exercise is vital for body in order to keep it healthy as well as free form disease. It is beneficial for health as it helps to maintain weight, combats health conditions, boost mood, improve the level of energy, helps to have better sleep at night, encourage your sexual life,and many more.
Proper Sleep Have Surprising Health Benefits
Adequate sleep makes you feel refreshing and most important it helps you to boost your boost your mood, and helps you to remove your undereye circles. And lack of sleep makes you feel tired and angry. Anlog with this, it also make you unable to concentrate at your work. Thus lack of sleep can damage your physical as well as your mental health.
Healthy Food For Healthy Health
Healthy eating is very much beneficial for health right balance of vitamin, minerals, and other nutrients is essential for health. It will help you feel best and gives you plenty of energy.
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Monday, 9 December 2013
Simple But Helpful Tips for Healthy Eyes
Your eyes are an important part of your health. There are many things which you can do in order to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best.
1. Get regular eye exams.
After the age of 40, start having yearly eye examinations, because at this age it is very common to have glaucoma and retinal damage. Have a eye examinations even if you are health with no vision problems. People who have certain health circumstances that increase the chance of eye disorders, such as diabetic issues, or those who have perspective issues should see an eye care professional previously than 40. Based on your risks factors and results of your examination, ask your eye physician to suggest the appropriate testing durations that will help to maintain clear perspective.

2. Wear shades.
The UV rays of sun damage aging eyes in same manner they damage your skin. The research has found that UV rays can cause cataracts and chances of accelerate macular degeneration. The best way to protect eyes is make a use of sun glasses which have UV filters. Always prefer to those sunglass which are large and wrap around a little.
The eye expert says that they often see patient’s completing about discomfort in eyes because of using out-of-date eyeliner or eye makeup. Due to this it is advised to all not to use out dated or old makeup. Always replace your makeup and makeup brushes regularly and don’t you any make up product more than six month old. Avoid Sharing your make-up and make-up brushes as it can increase the chances of eye infections.

Always prefer a diet full with fruits and vegetables, because the studies have found that proper intake of anti-oxidant lutein and zeaxanthin helps to reduce the risk of eye conditions like cataracts and macular degeneration. Lutein and zeaxanthin are mostly found in fruits and vegetables with yellow and orange pigments like corn, squash, carrots, and citrus fruits. They are also found in dark green vegetable such as kale and spinach.

Vitamins A, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and the mineral zinc are some of the most essential nutrients which help to promote eye health. So try to include some of these multivitamin in your regular diet.

Smoking can cause Eye diseases because smoking reduces the blood flow to the eyes and this can increase the amount of amount of toxic substances in your Eyes.

It is observed that when we are reading or working in dimly lit area we can cause temporary eyestrain, which may lead to headaches and fatigue. So if you have to maintain eyesight then you must ne sure that your work space is brightly lit.
8. Take a break.
You can easily avoid eyestrain by taking frequent breaks form the computer screen or reading materials. After every 10 minutes look up or away for 10 seconds so that your eyes get a rest.
9. Always sit 50-60 cm away from your screen
Always sit about 50 to 60 cm away from your computer screen and there is no light reflecting off the monitor. This helps to avoid Computer Vision Syndrome .

Being overtired can also increase eyestrain. If you get proper sleep then your eyes will be refreshed along with rest of your body.
Drink lot of water as it is beneficial for your overall health. You can improve the moisture balance eyes more especially in air conditioned offices.

If you have something in your eye then avoid rubbing it. It is a best thing to do is, to life the upper eyelid outward and gently pull it down to cover the lashes causing tears in order wash the object out of your eye.
13. Don’t ignore warning signs.
Don’t ignore warning signs of your eye. If you experience any eye problem like blurred or double vision, eye pain etc then immediately take a help of doctor.
You cannot stop time, but you can deal and take care of your eyes so that they can stay healthier as you age. Having clear vision is possible at any age.